Triodos Dev Portal Sandbox Environment
The Triodos developer APIs implement the Berlin Group XS2A API spec v1.3 with OAuth SCA redirect flows.
Registration process
Follow these steps to register for the Triodos Dev Portal APIs:
- Generate a test signing certificate with your credentials that can be used to sign your API requests.
- Register for access to the APIs with your test signing certificate.
- Create a test user and account. The test user can be used to authorise Xs2a API actions.
API Test Client
In the sandbox environment you can use the test user created in the registration process to authorise the SCA actions in the OAuth redirect flows
The Payment Initiation Service can be used to initiate SEPA, UK Domestic, Foreign, Periodic and Bulk Payments.
Account information
The Account Information Service can be used to download account balance and transaction information for up to 90 days from the date of consent.
Confirmation of funds
The Confirmation of Funds Service can be used to determine if sufficient funds are available for a specific transaction.